Diminutive bar with a patio to match in Kensington Market. If I understand correctly, a requisite amount of coolness is required to imbibe at Ronnie's. (And possibly a union card.) I lack both, but enjoyed myself anyway. Didn't get much service on the patio, so I had to -- horror of horrors -- get up and fetch my own drink.
Other than the pfft-whatever service, it's a reasonable place for a pint.
Obligatory Title Pun: Just picture me standing on a table top with a sign that says: UNION.
Menu Readability: Didn't see a menu. The brews are listed at the bar, inside.
Need to mention: I hear there is a back patio. I should give it a try.
What this place teaches me about myself: I am a sucker for the number soixante-neuf.