I'm always cautious when visiting a place in its first few days of operation, but my trepidation over visiting FIZZ was overruled by my desire for a great glass of bubbly.
As a solo drinker I found a seat rather quickly, but service was slow - the place WAS packed, though. Their champagnes by the glass menu was extensive, but also expensive when compared to my regular haunts like Laguna at Venetian. And honestly, for the price, I think Guy Savoy offers better selection.
I finally settled on a mid priced glass, and then waited, and waited...and waited. I finally saw my server pop the cork on the bottle herself. Odd the bartenders couldn't find the time to pour a single glass, but they seemed to be busy filling cocktail orders, probably due to the 2 for 1 coupons everyone had.
My drink came out, and I asked for the bill right away anticipating a wait, even though the space is cool and the people watching was ridiculous. The music is not really suitable to the chic space and is a bit too loud, but perhaps I'm sounding much older than my age by saying that. The crowd seemed to be upper 30s to mid 40s, it's kind of like a club for those who don't like clubs.
The bill came out quite quickly. I was surprised to see a built in 18% gratuity and some unidentified service fee, but I paid my $36 bill (yikes) with $40 and then waited for my change - which never came, even after 10 minutes of waiting. I couldn't find my server, either. Well played.
Will likely get my bubble fix elsewhere in the future.