I posted a very negative review of this business recently, regarding an experience I had in their store with a third-party business who was offering pictures of your pet with Santa for Xmas. I owe all parties concerned a very huge apology-I believed I had been ripped off and disappointed in the situation, and it turned out that neither was actually the case-there were some issues that led to an untoward and unforeseen delay, and when nobody was able to provide anything but an email address-no phone, no physical address-and I'm talking to several other people, all of whom had the identical experience I did-I can't say it was unreasonable to come to the conclusions that I did, but it turned out, not only was I flat wrong, these very nice people were extremely patient and kind in trying to help sort this out, when they didn't have to be because there was nothing really in it for them to help me. About the third party-they are a brand-new rescue, which is a cause SO close to my heart, as I do a heck of a lot of rescuing myself and support anyone's efforts to help animals. I would actually like to address the situation with the third party, and I don't have any other place to do it-one thing that jumped out at me instantly was how VERY gentle, kind, and good they were on handling four shy little rescue dogs with different temperaments. I would actually say - I told everyone I talked to at the time and actually talked others into taking their pets there-how very impressed I was by their insight, kindness, and sensitivity. As an animal person, I could tell they were genuine in the way they handled my little dogs, and they got the best shots I've ever had taken because they are just good at handling animals, their love and care showed. That was part of what completely blew my mind in the situation-I knew they couldn't have faked that-and yet, I had no contact info, got no apparent response to my email inquiries, and I really didn't know what else it could have been but a soft con. I'm sincerely glad that I was completely wrong, and I not only wish them all the best, I will be sending them a donation in excess of the $10 I provided for the pictures, which I did finally get after they corrected whatever malfunction that had led to the delay. I am SO sorry, and, again, I've never been so glad to be so wrong-and when I'm wrong, I own that.