I've been in a lot of hospitals and this one, by far, was the nastiest. Food is horrible, and not healthy at all. They need to totally get with the times with the menu. If your suicide attempt wasn't successful, the food might just do the trick. The psych ward is a joke, not at all secure. You can easily finish yourself off in there. If you're suicidal, this is the place to be. If you are the loved one of someone that is mentally ill, this is the last place you want to take them. Three days in ICU without suicide watch. Never, ever seen that before. Once you're on the psych ward you might see the doctor once every few days, forget about counseling. You won't get it in there. Patients help each other more than staff. I have advance directives stating that was the last place I'd want to go. For some reason I was taken there anyway. Instead of being transferred to a real psych ward, they put me in theirs, knowing it was against my advance directives. Totally pointless having one if you end up there. This place is just as bad as Cleveland Psychiatric Institute, the state mental ward that was shut down for being everything that it shouldn't be.
My daughter and sister think it's a nice place, well, they haven't been hospitalized many times and don't know any better.