My sweetheart and I went to this place on opening evening and it was pretty packed. We didn't really find seating so we stood at the bar. We really enjoyed the atmosphere. Let me mention, I'm a beer drinker and not necessarily a spirits drinker. That being said I really liked my Te-kill-ya drinks. I had Tequila Mocking Bird,($11.00) and La Reposado ($12.00). Both were pretty damn good. I especially liked the La Reposado. My sweetheart told the bartender she liked sweeter drinks. The bartender recommended a Market Mojito ($9.00). It didn't agree with her so she sipped it ever so slowly. This is when my only real concern took place. The bartender asked her how her drink was, which she replied it wasn't for her. At which time the bartender insisted on making her another drink. Though my sweets insisted on not having another drink the bartender insisted on making her a drink anyway. Now, It's been my experience, when a bartender insists on making you another drink to make up for the drink they recommended that drink is usually comped. At the end of the night when we received our check, We wounded up paying for the drink. Oh well, a little misunderstanding. I've seen enough of Bar Rescue to know opening night usually come with some glitches so I wont be to judgmental on service time. Overall, I really liked this place. I would definitely come back for more. The spirits were good quality and I feel you definitely get your moneys worth. I recommend this place and Kudos for having this business Downtown. I love that.