I usually don't mind running to the store but I work full-time and I'm in school full time. This week was midterms and I knew I'd be going out of town for a family visit so I decided I'd utilize them again (against my better judgement) for convenience this weekend.
Now, I do have to say, the actual ordering process is very easy and while you do have to watch the size of products, it's very user friendly. HOWEVER, this is only helpful if your groceries actually show up. Mine never have. TWICE.
The first time, we took the last open 1-hour spot for a Sunday delivery (8PM-9PM). We got a call from the driver (which I missed the call) so he just left a voicemail saying they were behind and that they wouldn't be making it today and to call the customer hotline to reschedule. So I call the hotline, and they say that the earliest that they can come is Tuesday from 11AM-12PM. Well, as I mentioned before, I'm busy during the week so I asked them to refund the order and I'd go to the store myself. It took 5 business days for the refund to come back so I had to watch my pennies until the money showed back up in my account.
For some odd reason, I felt they could prove themselves if I gave them a second shot, so I again spent $150 on groceries, put in the order for delivery on Friday from 7PM-8PM. I waited until 8:30 when I called the customer hotline and am told they show the driver is out with the order and they may just be running late but will come by 10PM at the latest. Also, the customer service rep couldn't get the truck driver to answer their phone. So we waited up until 10PM, no call and no show. Since customer service closed at 9, I had to choice but to go to bed and call in the morning.
I called this morning to ask about rescheduling, thinking maybe we could get our items first thing Sunday morning since we are out of town today (Saturday) but the earliest they could do was mid-day Monday, which again didn't work. So I am again getting refunded, again having to squeeze in a trip to the grocery store and AGAIN having to pinch pennies while they tie up $150 of my money.
I will literally never use this service again and, honestly, I am thinking that we will be switching to Kroger for all future grocery needs.
I decided that I do not have enough money this week to pinch pennies and wait 7-10 days for a refund so after speaking with a supervisor, I was promised priority delivery on Sunday. Sunday came and went into the late afternoon, no delivery. I started the process of calling around 4PM. I won't go into all the details but it took four calls to the hotline, yelling, speaking to two different managers, speaking to the store manager and calling corporate Safeway to finally get permission from the delivery service to allow us to go into the store and get the items that we ordered off the shelves ourselves and bring them home. The issue with the delivery service is that it isn't actually Safeway, it is a separate company within Safeway called Dotcom. The Dotcom rep leaves at 3PM everyday so after that, you will get no help from Safeway employees because they don't have access to the records. Carlos, the store manager at Safeway off 40th and Chandler is the ONLY reason that I was able to obtain food for my family for the week. For this reason alone, I will continue to use Safeway but will never spend a penny with the company Dotcom (they are also contracted to do deliveries with Albertsons.) Dotcom has the worst customer service and delivery services I have ever experienced and I will be contacting corporate Safeway to let them know how their customers are being treated by the company that they are contracted with.