The only reason this review is getting a 2 star instead of a 1 star rating is because there was a very limited waiting time. However, no one there advised that the new license which I was going to receive would not be Federal compliant. I had all of the necessary identification; since I printed the renewal requirements off the DMV web site. However TSI simply told me that I only needed my old license. After receiving my new license, I called to find out why and was advised that the license could be changed by presenting the necessary identification and an additional $50. Apparently I did not ask the right questions when I was at their office, and/or I did not specify that I wanted a compliant license in the first place. Additionally, the large information board on the wall mentioned nothing about a federally compliant driver's license. You would think that in a time when customer service ("your business is important to us") has become so important, a simple 3 minute explanation of compliant vs. noncompliant would be helpful!!!!!!!!!!!