FINE, YOU WIN Ming Fu. Take my money. It's not like I have a weakness for small cozy places that serve Asian cuisine to perfection or anything. I don't know what kind of ninjas you have snooping around, finding out what my exact likes are and then creating a restaurant to meet those exact secret desires, but it's not fair that you play on all my weaknesses at once.
How Ming Fu will destroy me financially:
- Has great sushi my wife likes
- Has a great selection of vegetarian options I like
- Tastes better than PF Changs, without the wait
- Tastes more authentic than Pei Wei, with more style
- Tasty spring rolls
- Good selection of interesting appetizers
- Really nice servers and hostesses
- A lively but comfortable atmosphere when it gets hoppin
- Nice floors - no really, I love their floors, whoever did their decorating did a great job and picked out some nice flooring.
As a person addicted to Asian fare, I like to snobbishly approach a new restaurant like Ming Fu, who covers a variety of Asian cuisine. I found everything so far to be above average to excellent. Looking forward to summer when the front courtyard opens up.