This dance studio is now called Studio 73. The owner of this school, Michele Edwards, cares more about how much money she can squeeze out from the students than anything else. This dance studio also has a way of embarrassing and humiliating dancers when they miss rehearsals or deadlines. One of the overweight instructors yelled and humiliated my daughter in front of the class one time. We never complained about it because we assumed that that's the way missed rehearsals are dealt with here. Also, my daughter was not allowed to participate in a competition that was already paid for because she missed a rehearsal to support her brother on TV. If your child goes to this school, make sure you arrange your family's life around Michele's agenda. There's no such thing as refunds. Once she has your money, it's hers. Everything is expensive, including her $50 recital DVDs! She acts like she's such a good Christian but there's nothing Christ-like about the way she runs this business.