I brought my cat here because of an ear infection, nose scabs and a lip blister. The doctor looked her over for about a minute, took a blood sample and gave her a steroid shot. The doctor told me she couldn't do much for my cat with the infection being so bad, so she told me to call within the next couple days with an update and set an appointment for next week when her ears get better. Total visit cost around $350.00.
The next day, my cats ears were even more itchy than before so I called the vet in the morning. The receptionist told me the doctor was too busy, so she would have her call me back when she gets a minute. No call back. I called again in the late afternoon, same answer.
Called again Monday morning, same response from the receptionist and yet still couldn't get in touch with the doctor. This repeated until Wednesday when the receptionist apologized and said that the doctor told me to just bring the cat in. I find it hard to believe that the doctor couldn't free two minutes out of her day to just call me back. I wasn't about to put my cat through that again and pay more money without even getting a chance to talk to anybody about what options there were for my cat.
In short, they didn't seem to care about her, wouldn't free up 2 minutes out of their day to speak to me for days after my visit, her infection got worse and I wasted $350.00.
I ended up bringing my cat to A Cat Hospital, spent $140.00, was able to talk to a doctor who could answer all my questions, told me even more than I needed to know AND most importantly, my cats ears are MUCH better. If you have a cat, I'd recommend bringing them to A Cat Hospital.