Please know that, though I sell for a living, I NEVER hard-sell so these are just the facts as I know them. Please also know that I am writing this only a week after the repairs and I haven't driven the car much since then (flew out of town for a few days) so I can't speak to the longevity of the repairs. I CAN speak to their three-year warranty, though: it shows me that they are willing to guarantee their work for a reasonable amount of time, more than most. They have apparently been at the same location for over 40 years and, with that warranty, they obviously plan on staying there. And that they're not one of those sleazy, fly-by-night places that screws everybody then changes locations and changes their name.
I needed an oil change and some cooling system work on my 2004 Mazda RX8. Kyle Essert (I don't know what his job title is; facilitator? coordinator?) had one of the mechanics check it over, not only the cooling system but the whole car. Usually the latter is a means for sleazy companies to scare you into getting more repaired but, in this case, I really didn't get the feeling that that was the case. Kyle told me what was wrong, I could get it fixed (with 3A or someone else) or not, my decision. The price wasn't cheap but it wasn't way high or anything so I asked him to proceed with the cooling system repairs. He said that the brakes were close to being bad but, since I was thinking of selling the car, I chose to wait. He was fine with that and didn't attempt to hard-sell me.
In the meantime I did an online search to get a value for the car. I should have done it sooner but I remember that the last time I did one the car was, though pretty old, still worth quite a bit, something like $16,000. After THIS research, though, I found that the price had dropped dramatically: down to $6000. The car only had 48,500 miles on it so I reasoned that it would be best if I kept the car. I still loved it and, in theory, it should give me quite a few more miles. So I called Kyle and asked him to have the brakes done, too.
A little later I remembered that my low beams were dead (problem with this car that I thought would be expensive to repair; the high beams and driving lights still worked and, since I rarely drive after dark, I had put it off) so I called Kyle again and asked him to look into it.
Later he called and said he had had new bulbs put-in the car but that the ballasts were dead and that the whole assemblies were $2200 EACH from Mazda. He had done more online research and found after-market alternatives but he warned me that they would still need about $450 to install them because they had to remove the front bumper, etc, to get too them. I promptly told him to forget it, he said he would have the new bulbs removed and return them to the supply house.
I picked it up the next day (with the headlight thing it took longer than anticipated; NOT their fault) and was VERY pleased with the bill. Prices were EXACTLY what Kyle had quoted and they had only charged me $39 for all that hassle/research of the headlight issue. MORE than fair, I thought.
So, that's it. Cooling system and brakes work great now. Fine shop and an excellent experience. I apologize for the length of this but I like to write USEFUL reviews rather than "Twitter-length" crap.