Note: COSTCO HAS A $100 SPA finder gift certificate for $79! YOU CAN ALSO USE THE SPA FINDER GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR TIP! I came here on Thursday around 2:30 PM and did the all day pass for $40 as well as some $110 50 minute massage. Luckily this place wasn't crowded that day.
Either I'm constantly spoiled by nice spas and massage or I'm just plain crazy, but I don't understand why this place is highly rated!
I came here with higher expectations from the ravishing reviews... but Qua Spa looks and sounds much better than what it actually is.
When you arrive you must check in at the front counter. The counter looks like a cash counter for the haircut salon. The staff will not greet you, so you'd have to approach them and look for them.
After checking in, you hand your receipt to the people at the men's/women's counter. They ask for your shoe size and they give you a S-XL sandal, a robe, and then they lead you to a locker. The men at the counter did NOT explain anything!! We noticed that most of the older people were in robes, while the younger ones just have a towel around their waist and the rare exhibitionist were obviously... naked.
There are not many things to do here... so here's a break down of each room so you know what horrible stuff to expect.
Locker Room: Small changing area. Electric locks, easy to access and use.
"Tea" Room: One community Flat screen TV (which was on the sports channel) with approximately 10 fatty chairs. They have iced teas, fruits, flavored lemon water. This is where you wait and do absolutely nothing. People like to leave their banana peels, phones chargers, and orange peels here and no one picks it up... but then again... if you're paying so much for a SPA, you'd expect staff to clean up after you or something.
The Hot Tub: This tub was larger than the generic hot tub size. Nothing else was special about it. So when you're going to the SPA rooms, you'll pass by this.
Bathrooms: It's really dirty. People leave their disposable shavers and crap on the counter. I know i don't want to pick it up and throw their shavers away... and apparently the staff doesn't want to touch that either. You can also shower here. There are 6 nozzles that shoot at you in all directions! That's one of the few perks here.
Massage/Area: You wait in the tea room and wait for them to call your name. Then they let into this room with a handful of people (both male and female). You can relax on this curvy well designed roman-themed circular sitting area (which was the BEST thing here because it was so comfortable) and wait for the masseuse calls you. They give you a light relaxing 50 minute noninvasive massage.
SPA ROOMS - There are 4 different types of rooms. All of rooms seem to be under 100 sqft. Again, I'm sure each room is beneficial, but since there was no explanation about the rooms, I had to make my own assumptions.
The normal spa room: It's basically a sauna, without the the heat. You're just smelling the wood (interpret it whichever way you'd like).
The steam room: It's a bit hot. Just steam all around. There's a mirror and a sink indentation on the side AND A SHOWERHEAD IN THE FRONT CENTER of the room. (I guess it's for the exhibitionist?) I literally saw shaving cream all over the floor. The floor is extremely damp because the water did not seem to drain well.
The herb room: Which was open for 10 minutes then closed down for 2+ hours. Like the steam room but had some herb scent to it.
The "Artic" ice room: Sounds and looks interesting, but extremely disappointing. It feels like a dark romantic room that is set at ROOM TEMPERATURE. What makes this the Artic room is that theres a button you can push that dispenses ice to this community contaminated tray hand bowl. Nothing snowed.
Additional Pools ROOMS:
After showering and getting dressed, you will see this awkward room with a pool on the way out. Since the amazing staff didn't tell us about the SPA, we almost missed this room. The room was dimly lit with blue and purple lights. This room had a pool (which is a bit larger than the average house pool), and 2-3 tubs in the center. There were a FEW comftably curvy-looking design lounge chairs circling the pool. This room wasn't significantly bigger than the general spa room, but a majority of people were here lying on those benches sleeping or waiting around doing nothing. The pool/tubs were empty cause it's kind of awkward swimming naked when everyone else is waiting on the side waiting for you to go in. We saw two friends explore this room for 15 seconds max and then left. Not. Surprised.
Overall Attitude:
The designs of the facility, the ample fruit, the 6 nozzle shower head. Everything else is a no-go. Many of the things were not operating