I went to Masa for the teppanyaki dinner and show. We were promptly seated in the teppanyaki area. The teppenyaki area was empty, but the rest of the restaurant was pretty busy, so I assume most people come for the sushi. We were seated right next to the kitchen door, so we asked if we could switch. The waitress obliged, and we were moved to a more secluded area.
Service was great. We got our salad, soup and drinks right away. The teppanyaki show started as soon as we finished our appetizer. The chef put on a great show for us. He even repeated some parts of the show (the fire and egg trick) so we could take pictures. The food was delicious! We had the teriyaki steak and chicken combo. The meat was juicy and tender. The vegetables were to die for! Everything for around $40.00, give or take.
The only negative thing I can say about Masa is that the chairs in the teppanyaki area are not comfortable. So if you suffer from back problems, you might want to avoid the teppanyaki area, and ask for a booth.
Either way, Masa is a great value. Great service, delicious food, affordable prices. Plus, it's got the best teppanyaki in town!