I'm the kind of doofus who announces he's going to have a large dinner party before working out the details of how, exactly, I'm going to pull it off. I knew I needed a large-ish banquet table and a bunch of cheapo folding chairs to seat my influx of dinner guests in what was to be a civil and orderly affair.
After checking out a few options, and remembering that I don't have a car, I remembered a friendly alligator waiter graphic on a sign down at Dupont and Bathurst, a mere 10-minute walk from my place. Their list of products is viewable online, and I thought the prices were reasonable, so I called and booked the aforementioned table and chairs. I recruited the help of a good friend on the day of the party, and carried the goods from the rental shop home, and back the following Monday (they were closed Sunday).
Sure, the dudes who run the place ain't all smiles, but with the range of articles for rent and prices at this place, I think that's something I can happily overlook.
The party was great, by the way.