Our child attended this school for a year, teachers were constantly rotating or " leaving" for personal reasons. The expectation that 2-3 yr olds will sit, stay and listen in a circle ( or anywhere for that matter) is unrealistic. When a student with unmatched vocabulary and the ability to comprehend things beyond their current age attends this school, they are quickly labeled a " trouble maker". It's unfair to the child and the parents, it gives both a complex about a gifted child... Almost like they want your kid to be dumb or at least act as if they are less intelligent then they actually are. The owner Cindy Bruno used to have two schools ( Scottsdale location closed down), this writer learned through various sources this was due to her over bearing management style and inability to deal collectively with parents when she decided there was a (perceived) deficiency in a child. She routinely would enter classrooms " looking" for reasons to single out kids, then proceed to call their parents with " I don't won't to alarm you... But your child did _____".
This came as a shock when every other person ( church, gym, family) that had overseen our child in a care setting had nothing but praise for the manners, vocabulary and intelligence they expressed. Needless to say our child no longer attends this horrible excuse of a " preschool", it's pre.... Not school, the owner honestly believes she is an administrator over a " school district".
Upon switching preschools( Montessori) we learned three other children that attend our child's new school had come from Bestpals. No shock to learn all three left for the same reasons, all of these kids have expanded their abilities and desire to be back in school. All four have been praised by the new schools staff and administrative staff. It's true, you get what you pay for....if your on a budget... Bestpals will fit your wallet, but not in the best interest of your child's education, self esteem, or your piece of mind.
This review is intended to help, not harm... YOUR children's education. Choose wisely, the " tour" at Bestpals is misleading. This is at best a daycare and with the owner so obviously uneducated in "normal childhood behaviors" it is frustrating to both parents and children who attend.