Do you like riding bikes, sightseeing, and multiple stops at various restaurants and pubs? Well, combine all those into one and you've got yourself a party...Party Pedaler that is! I had a blast!
I was envisioning a casual bike ride sipping cocktails up and down the streets of Charlotte...well, it wasn't as picturesque as that. Instead, I found myself getting a full on workout! My lower body not only got some work, but my abs too...from laughing all afternoon long! Tracy, the owner, is perfect for a touring host/driver...she bubbles with positive energy and keeps the energetic music going!
Now don't let a little bit of pedaling scare are pedaling with at least 9 others to share the load. If someone in your party can't pedal, no problem! There are at least 4 seats in the back for those to just enjoy the ride.
The beginning of the ride is the most challenging due to the incline to get Uptown. At the first stop, you reward yourself with a cold beverage and then you're on your way to the next. Each time we got on the party bike, it became easier and more hilarious. Also, you can't be camera shy because everyone on the street will point, stare, and snap photos of smile and wave!