Best Breakfest Joint in Southern Nevada!
The Breakfest Checklist:
Corned Beef and Hash: Check! Homemade and you can tell! There are nice big pieces of meat and potatoes and a great helping on your plate!
Baccon: Check! Crispy and never overdone!
Pancakes and Waffles: Check! Big and Fluffy served with warm maple surup!
Pot of Bread: Never in my life have I seen this! absolutely delish! It is a must get when you go here, and it usually comes with your meal!
The atmosphere in a nutshell: Breakfest in Bed! The waitresses wear pj's and are so friendly! The ceiling is decorated with sunflower umbrellas, tres chic!
There are day's when it's super busy, and there are days when you're the only table in the restaurant! But that would be the norm with all restaurants. I'm just saying don't get upset when it's jammed pack on a sunday... because it almost always is!