My first review was 4 stars NOW 1. The owner had my review removed citing I violated content guidelines. I find that a gutless move to address a concern I had as a customer. Let me see if Yelp removes this one.
I recognize that they are getting five-star reviews for a product that is fantastic. They will NOT get that from me because of two experiences I've had in their shop.
Yes they have really good gelato, dare I say amazing? But the owner (not an employee) needs better customer service skills. The owner yelled at one of my kids for touching the glass when pointing at the flavor they wanted. She had just had an employee clean the display. Sorry, ma'am it's an ice cream shop and your displays are at knee level for adults, eye level for kids. Get over it.
I removed the other part of my review which directly spoke about an employee.
What floors me is rather than the owner using Yelp to talk to me as a customer, they defensively had my review removed. If this one disappears, I will assume it's because FROST is a paid Yelp advertiser and they will bend over backwards for businesses that give them money.