The coffee is amazing. No one can challenge that. I had kept telling the man about their coffee and how it reminded me of my favorite coffee place from when I lived in Seattle (Vivace. Mmmmmm) I had been to the old Lux and was curious to see the new one. I was utterly confused. There are three different counters. The "bar" is in the back and distinguished by all the liquor bottles. Easy enough. But I had heard that they had sandwiches and what not now. I saw an area that looked like where they made food, but was unsure as if I was supposed to order from them or from the barista. When I asked if they had a menu, she said, "We are your menu." Um.... ok. Is that the hipster thing to do now? I'm a girl who likes options. I didn't know what my particular craving was that day and I like to know what my choices are. I also like to know prices. I ordered my old stand by of a medium vanilla soy latte and the man got a double espresso and it came out to almost $8. That was fine, just a little shocking and had there been prices listed anywhere, I would have known what to expect. And instead of trying this food they allegedly have now, we got a pizza from Pane Bianco next door. Which was incredible.