My husband and I travel a lot for both work and pleasure so we have been looking for a great place for our beagles to stay at that gives them all the love and attention that they would receive at home. We have tried a handful of "pet resorts" and have had mixed reviews. We decided to try Camp Bow Bow out and when I dropped off the girls for their evaluation, both seemed excited and ran right back, which never happens with them. The staff was extremely friendly and I received a courtesy call that both girls were doing great and having such a great time that they were welcome to stay the rest of the day to play. Both girls loved Camp Bow Wow soo much, we have brought them to day camp just to play. The staff remembered both girls and knew which was which (they are both tri-colored beagles). I am so glad we found this place as this will now be my beagles home away from home:)