So I've had the same watch since I was 13, which means for nearly 10 years. Swiss Army, though, and it's pretty reliable, with battery changes every year or so. Getting that done in NY was no big deal - you just duck into a shoe repair place and a few dollars and minutes later, done. In Toronto, evidently, it's a *thing*, where they have to send it out, only to tell you that actually, it's better if they just offer you a discount on a new one. (Ahem, Victorionox.) After nearly going that foolish route a second time, I figured I'd stay in my neighborhood and... problem solved! They quickly and cheaply replaced the watch battery (w/out a speech about why such a thing would be too complicated). Impressed, I got my engagement ring (white gold) re-dipped as well. All of this came to $50 plus tax, all turned out great, and all super-quick.