Formerly known as the Manhattan Express, this is a LONG roller coaster ride (over 2-1/2 minutes) and a bit painful to boot! After winding our way through the *entire* casino maze only to go up two flights to wind and push our way through the huge Coaster Arcade, we finally arrived at the ticket area. We had M-Life 2 for 1 credits, so the $15 price was tamed. The lockers cost 50 cents, so make sure you have quarters with you; the first locker I tried took my money and would not release the key. But after successfully stowing our wallets, sunglasses, and phones, we joined the line to board.
Even a long line moves pretty quickly as the cars come up quickly to the station. The cars are painted to look like yellow checker cabs and the restraint system consists of a semi-circle padded bar that lowers around your shoulders and head and a lap restraint that locks in from the front. Then your car moves outside and begins the long climb to the 200 foot pinnacle. During this climb in the daytime, expect the sun to be right in your face! Then the initial drop, flip into a loop, and you're off! Screaming for two minutes in the desert heat (it was 108 this day), hot wind, and sun really dried us out and ravaged our throats!
There are several loops, steep side curves, steep drops, a top speed of 67 mph, and even a quick ride through complete darkness. I didn't find this ride as stomach-dropping thrilling as some other coasters, like Wild Thing at ValleyFair in MN, and it was definitely more jarring. As we climbed out, we all were bemoaning the bruising pummeling to our backs and shoulders. For about $25 you can get an all-day ride wristband, but I cannot imagine who would board this coaster a second time in the same day!