Fright Dome 2014.
Why 4 stars?
Tickets are actually over priced for this event. Went online did some searching, found $5 off coupons at local gas stations and grocery stores (Rebel/Food 4 Less). I then did more searching and found buy one get one coupons online. I was unable to locate them, but did some Craig's list searching and found people selling them locally for $5. Boom I just saved $35.00
Two of us one got in for the price of one, and didn't even bother with the fast passes.
Next, no need to buy a fast passes the event last 4 hours and if your goal is to get through every maze, see the 4-D show and watch the strange performances you have plenty of time. Your time will not allow for rides, so you would need the fast pass to get that done if interested in the rides. (The teenage crowd tended to do a lot of rides and left the mazes for last). Which worked out nicely for us. Since we were not interested in the rides.
The music was Halloween themed, not overly loud and could be heard throughout the entire dome. In the scare zones there was fog added to create more of a scary environment, but the entire dome was not swimming in it. The alcohol drinks were designated to one bar inside the dome and were priced pretty cheap. I could not believe it. I added a photo of the drink specials for the night. They created $5 Halloween themed drinks, and they were strong, no watered down drinks that night.
They had one stage show that went on every 45 minutes throughout the night. It consisted of dancing and some cool tricks. It was amusing and was set up right in front when you walk in. This event brought in people of all ages. High schools teens were there all the way to grand parents enjoying the night out.
Navigating around the dome is quite simple. It's a circle. Even if you manage to get "lost" there was signs everywhere with arrows directing you to every maze/scare zone.
Scary-ness: On a 1-5 scale it receives a 3. Some of the mazes could use a little tender loving care and fix them up. But some were great. The theme this year (2014) was Texas chain saw massacre. And it was the best maze, also the longest line. We left it for the end, which was our fault.
(TIP: The themed maze of the year, get that done 1st. The line seems to just grow and grow as the night goes on).
Honesty the only thing you can skip and I would say your not missing anything is the 4-D ride. It really had no point and is just a bunch of moving around to make you nauseous. There is 2 theaters and it's only 5 minutes long so there is practically no wait time even if you hate it.
The Fright Dome will not scare you sense less by any means, it is however a fun activity to do on the strip and get in the Halloween spirit. Very affordable drinks, Halloween music, and great atmosphere. It's a do it at least once event in Las Vegas.
**Don't pay the prices you see on the internet, or on the ads. It is over priced and you will most likely be upset like the rest of these Yelp reviews I'm reading before me. Do your homework, find a deal/ coupon.**