This was not the most cheerful place. A few of us stopped by for a drink after dinner, and we were the only ones talking. The other patrons were looking depressed while playing their video poker machines, and the bartender seemed helplessly trapped behind the bar, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes that he got to talk to other human beings, if only for a moment. I may be exaggerating, but the truth is that none of us felt like it was a happy place to be.
I also felt like the bartender was making up drink prices on the spot; two people got beers, two got mixed drinks, and I got a whiskey on the rocks; five drinks were $6 each, and he gave one of the girls their drink for free. When we each asked what he owed, his eyes wandered and eventually he settled on $6. It was like he was reaching into the depths of his memory, trying to remember how to use numbers.
In the end, I'm thinking the place was A-OK because of my drink price. I got a Maker's 46 for $6, which would easily go for twice as much at other bars. I just don't know if it'll be $6 again if I ever end up here in the future.