TWO THUMBS DOWN!! This place is A dump it's an older property even has a small bug problem during summer & intial move in!!! They do not care about their tenants! The staff on site in my opinion is racist & unprofessional! Save your money &move SOMEWHERE ELSE! 200.00 in late fees even when the error was discovered! MOVE TO ANOTHER COMPLEX! TRUST ME! The said part is when u try to be civil with them they don't respect or treat you like a 1st rate citizen! Samantha is condescending & Brandy will ignore you. I physically stood at her door & she refused to look up at me! HER OFFICE DOOR IS A GLASS DOOR! Total winch move! I didn't even get to say a word to her, I was told by Samantha that she was going on lunch & would get back to me later. All she had to do was use a few words out of the English language but she decided 2 act like I wasn't standing there looking at her through a glass FREAKING DOOR! Unbelievable I have 2master degrees & this lady is treating me like I stole something or did something illegal. SUPER UNPROFESSIONAL. I had to email & talk to her regional supervisor, Krasi, She was helpful & waived the majority of the late fees on the account which could have been avoided with a little bit of communication. We are MOVING AS SOON As lease up! On to bigger & Better things! They can have this Ghetto property! Do your research & rent elsewhere I am filing a complaint with BBB & state if possible.