I was an exhibitor there for the first time and My husband and I have attended about 7years as spectators, this was the worst year ever. there were less vendors, the food prices soared to everything was $17 dolllar's for the smallest amount of food, I paid $13 dollars for a ounce of soup the water was $4 dollars.There were definitely less cars, less vendors, I could not believe how much less of the food vendors were there, they usually had more food trucks and my husband was so disappointed usually we would spend about 6 hours and enjoy everything, he was done in 2 hours.. This was the saddest event we have ever seen and as a Exhibitor we made no money at all, could not even make what we paid for our booth. There used to be so many more vendors there, Never again. I had to walk miles to my booth which resulted in a hairline fracture of my left foot. I wonder what is wrong.