There's no disguising that KFC is gross in its taste and inhumane practices. I don't understand the appeal of crunchy chicken skin that stretches off the meat like third degree burns, but my husband seems to like it so I go. As a restaurant chain they don't even try to make the experience appealing. During Christmas time they actually duct-taped decorations up on the wall. Duct tape! The one and only reason I keep returning to this KFC is because of the employee Aphrodite. There is something about this woman that I love. First off, her name is Aphrodite! How can you hate on someone with that name? Secondly, I feel like I could make a movie about her life. I'd make her win the lottery just so she could burn KFC to the ground and piss on its ashes. Then she'd whisk off to Greece and have a life similar to that of 'Under the Tuscan Sun', except less boring and with more Danielle Steele action.