so we bought a new 24 in LED display online and it arrived. everything great, waited a week or two for the new MacBookPro to arrive before we could fire it up. (mini DVI, duh whats that right? lol)
so boom it fires up for the first time and i see it. a black triangle of burned out LEDs WHOA!!! no fun. panic was released and calm restored. it's 2 weeks old, i'll take it to an Apple store for a replacement.
so Saturday morning i made an appointment at the Genius bar to have them look at it, and hopefully say, "We'll just replace it for you"....
well after an interesting turn of events on the light rail, i showed up late, only 15 minutes. but my reservation was already fault. no biggie.
i tell the guy at the genius bar check in what the deal is and he says, we can put you back in the queue and one of the genius can look at it.
i said "is there a way we can just get an exchange, i don't really want to hear that it would need to be shipped off to wherever to be fixed" he said sure, but they might have the parts there to fix it, and that the online stock and the in-store stock are different, so he might not be able to exchange but would go check into it....15 minutes later he walked out of the room behind the genius bar with another monitor. i walked over to the exclusive register since they switched over to the mobile point of sales set up. after a couple bar code scans i was walking out the store with a new monitor. a new monitor without burned out LEDs that is.
i was happy.
as far as the maddening POS system they have, i give it 3.5 stars
i get the concept and that it should speed up sales, but when your ignorant to who has one of the hand held devices or don't even know thats how you check out. you can be seriously put off by the whole process. but now that i know. i have no issues with it. who really needs a bag anyways.