I hate to do this, but I have to drop the rating. Please note that I have not had any work done here, and I have no doubt that their quality of work is top notch based on other reviews and what I saw in their shop, but it has been impossible to get the simple info I need to schedule the job. I was a walk in and Andy gave me a slip of paper with a quote and some notes. The main item was a new Pioneer deck. The model number he wrote down was not specific and didn't align with anything on the Pioneer site, so I called him later that day for more clarification. He gave me a different number, but still no luck finding it. I emailed the number on his business card and asked if he could send me the full part number so I could look up reviews and check out the interface online before deciding (I'd rather spend more up front for a better deck if needed than save a bit and regret it later). After a couple of days I hadn't heard back and noticed that the email address on their website was different than Andy's card. I emailed the second address with the same question. Three weeks later I still had not received a reply to either email so I called the shop and spoke to Andy again. He looked up my name (I gave them my info when I walked in) and found at least one of my emails. I was in the car so I asked him to please reply to one of the emails with the full model number of the deck. He said no problem. Five days later and nothing. Again, they seem like a good bunch of guys and I'm confident that work would have been fine, but getting ignored/blown off just doesn't sit well. Maybe they just don't want the small install work, but I was hoping this was the first of many upgrades to this truck.