I basically was forced into joining Health Net, because my Blue Cross policy did not meet the requirements driven by Obamacare. Due to my budget restrictions (insuring a family of four, with 2 adults over 50) I basically had two choices, and each was with Health Net. After two months, I can say they have been generally incompetent, and I haven't even filed a claim yet. Their website regularly fails to allow me to make a payment. They don't send me bills by US mail or email, although I've selected both methods. Their Accounting department doesn't acknowledge payments I've made 40 days ago. I do have membership cards, but how can you trust a company that doesn't even have the ability to be competent at the basic stuff like billing and accounting. How could healthcare.gov use a supplier that isn't prepared to take on a large number of clients? After April their customer service hours have been reduced, which is another sign of incompetence.
I wish I could go elsewhere, but even if I could afford it, I cannot change medical insurers for 12 months, as I understand it. Thanks to all in DC, for another job well done! But of course, I doubt anyone in the Federal government has to deal with Health Net as their insurer.....