The WORST customer service I've ever experienced. I showed up at 9:22am for my 9:30 appointment. I signed in and had a seat in the waiting room. I waited until 10:00am until I approached the counter and asked the office manager Evelyn what time my appointment was.
Evelyn replied "it was 9:30, but since you didn't call back to confirm so we moved your appointment"
I asked Evelyn "when did this become a policy?" "All other professional facilities assume the patient will be at the appointment unless the patient calls and cancels".
Evelyn replied "well that's our policy"
Evelyn started to raise her voice at me, and called me hun, which I asked her to watch her tone and not to call me hun. I also asked her to stop interrupting me, as I was trying to speak.
I asked "hypothetically if I didn't show up to my appointment, would you charge me a no show fee?"
Evelyn replied "yes"
I asked "why would you charge a no show fee if you gave away my appointment?"
Evelyn replied "I'm not going to argue with you" and walked away
I continued to stand at the counter as the waiting room was full of people. Evelyn walked back into the counter and asked me if I was going to stay for an appointment.
I replied "that's why I'm still standing here"
Evelyn commanded "well have a seat"
I asked Evelyn "Where?" as the waiting room was full of people.
I then played the voicemail that Evelyn left on my phone on speaker phone for her to hear.
On the voicemail Evelyn said "I'm calling to confirm your 9:30am appointment, if there are any changes please give us a call"
I then explained "I followed her directions according to her voicemail" "She confirmed my appointment meaning that my appointment was still standing" "She stated that if anything changes to give us a call" "Nothing changed so I didn't call back" "I've never had any no show appointments, so why would you assume I wouldn't show up?"
The verbiage in the voicemail should have been different and stated "if I don't call back my appointment would be canceled"
Evelyn stated "I'm not arguing with you about this"
I took a seat as many patients have already completed their appointments.
I then overheard Evelyn "I need to dismiss a patient" on the telephone. Evelyn then instructed another employee to type a letter.
Evelyn then called me to the counter and mispronounced my name. I corrected her and instead of saying it correctly, she rolled her eyes and referred to me by my last name instead. I approached the counter and Evelyn handed me a letter of dismissal. The grounds of dismissal were that I didn't call and confirm my appointment, and their policies on confirming appointments are very strict. So this doesn't happen again they think it's best that I'm dismissed from the practice. (Keep in mind I've never had an issue in the past, or a no show appointment)
I asked to speak to the dentist and Evelyn stated "He's busy with patients"
I asked to speak with someone else in charge, she replied "I'm in charge, and walked away"
I waited and was able to speak to a dental hygienist, which allowed me to speak without interruption.
I've never been in a professional establishment that if a mistake was made, and apology wasn't issued.
Instead the following happened:
- I was demeaned by Evelyn raising her voice while speaking to me
- Evelyn calling me "hun" in a condesending tone
- Evelyn walked around rather than giving me her undivided attention while speaking with me
-Evelyn intentionally disregarding the pronunciation of my name and rolling her eyes, even though I corrected her with the correct pronunciation
-Dismissing me from the dental practice, while wasting an hour and forty minutes without being seen for my cleaning.
All of this could have been prevented by admitting that the verbiage of the voicemail Evelyn left was incorrect according to office policies, and Evelyn could have apologized instead of the unprofessional behavior.