The three hour tour. I vow to never shop at this store ever again as there customer service is on par with the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Last Sunday I called to verify the price of an item, a iPod Touch 8GB, and to also verify that it had a $50 gift card. Specifically asked if it was a gift card or a Fry's card and the girl told me it was a Fry's Card. So I spent an hour loading up my cart with items to pay and pick up at the store. Shopping cart won't work - I keep getting an error. Call the store and explain and the gal does it on her computer so I recite the 10 items and item numbers. She says "Oh I got an error." Yea...well just like me. She does it again from the beginning...error again. Goes to get a supervisor and we go through the whole dog and pony show again...twice. Same result error. They tell me that they will go and get all of the items together and put them on will call and I can come pay at the store. They will call me when ready. No one ever calls.
I call the next morning to see what happened. Talked to the specific super from the day before, says sorry about the call, but yes all items are on will call. I ask if at same price and deals and am told yes.
Drive my happy a$$ all the way across town and guess what...yea, nothing on will call. Wait 20 minutes and the box comes up. Agent tells me that not all items are on the same price. Ugghh..specifically asked that in my call. Goes to talk to someone and 10 minutes later comes back and says no. Fine leave that item out. Rings it up and I ask about the gift card...yea you guessed it "What gift card." Same fire drill and I explain it all again in detail to him and gave the guys name I talked to on the phone. 10 more minutes a supervisor comes over and asks. Have to repeat the same story AGAIN.
Growing impatient as this deal is narrowing on 2 3/4 hours in total plus a 25 minute drive here and back. 15 more minutes of waiting and I tell the Agent, "Dude this is just taking too long. Just take out the iPod Touch and I'll pay for the rest and go. Guy gets nervous and says ok just a minute AND LEAVES.
A "manager" came over a few minutes later. This is when it goes over the top. This stocky bald headed white guy approaches me and get this...he puffs up and says to me "Is there a problem here?" Are you friggin' kidding me! Well yea, with your arrogant and aggressive puff up and comment, well yea there was an issue and now it is a problem. This from a "Manager" no less. I geared for a comment, but then bit my lip and just said, "You know what, this process has been far too painful and I just want to go now, so take the item off so I can leave." This arrogant tool, gives me the passive-aggressive mean spirited "Just trying to help" line before turning away. His arrogance was almost like he was happy he won this apparent battle in his mind's eye. Ridiculous! Yea you won me spending my $400.00 using Amazon Prime" you idiot.
One last SNAFU for me was when the supervisor comes back and hands me a VOID receipt...yea you guessed it again, he voided the entire order and not just the iPod Touch taken off as I requested (all in front of the "Manager" too I might add). Walked out completely empty handed and drove home.
The three hour tour. I vow to never shop at this store ever again as there customer service is on par with the Department of Motor Vehicles.