"I can't believe you go to Forno, I only go to Mos Mos"
That is what I hear from tin-foil hat wearers who believe that Mos Mos has superior coffee to Forno. But I am glad that they have different sizes for their coffees and it is better than the other options in the area (incl. Dineen). It is as if I am seen as a lower human for my sub-par coffee choices.
In Commerce Court, you too can pay above $3 for a cup of coffee. The dark roast is not as nice as the one from Forno, but the benefit is that you can get it in a size that is larger than an infant's baby bottle. The coffee at Mos Mos is better than the coffee that comes out of the Keurig in my office and the Tassimo at home and far better than the one from the Starbucks or Tim Horton's in Brookfield Place.