I had Guardian protection services at my home for 10 years before deciding to cancel the service. I wrote a signed letter with all account information and passwords included and verbally notified the monitoring center that I was canceling and not to respond to any further alerts resulting from the disconnection of my system. Even though my letter was received on 6/17, they still sent me a bill in early July. I spoke to them again via phone on July 12th, and the representative told me they would take care of it. In early August I received another bill, and again I called. This time a very condescending representative named Tom and his boss, Alan told me that since I had not responded to the retention calls from their loyalty department they weren't able to cancel the service. And they were doing me a favor by letting me out of my service by only billing me through July 31st. I will never do business with this company again on any of my properties and would advise all others to steer clear as well.