The dumplings were good. The service was sketchy. The featured item in the menu was boxed in the middle of the menu was mushrooms cooked on a 1000f oven. We sent them back. They were not good and not hot. They had a sauce on the outside of them that tasted like cold sweet BBQ sauce. The sushi rolls were tastee but we were given the happy hour menu after happy hour. They didn't have the shrimp and bacon skewer. They didn't have the Anchor Brown beer I ordered. We ordered desert and the guy brought out the snowball and left the serving tray. With all this, as we were leaving and stopped by the bar and I asked what was in the big clear Vats with cantaloupe floating in them. The bar tender's responded "Cocaine" I was like what??? The other bartender quickly ran up and explained it was infused saki. Probably won't go back for a while. Will let them shake out the wrinkles.