To put it mildly this museum has expanded over the years.When I first went here many years ago , it was just the old building on the north side of the street .Then it became the new building .Now both are open as well as the old church and an addition to that.It's really big and if you're going to do it,devote the day.Important-- it's free the last Sunday of each month.
I would make a point of going to the Canadian wing -- which may be free every day for the next month or so.You have your Group of Seven work as well as a number of schools I was less familiar with such as the Beaver Hall artists and the Quebec Manifesto artists. There is much , much more. Right now there is a Mapplethorpe exhibit that I didn't bother with ($20 for work I like but am quite familiar with and can live without).Also a good exhibit of dark prints - Odilon Redon, Klinger, Munch,Gauguin and others(included in Sunday free).
The permanent collection includes Japanese Art( such as Hiroshigee), Pre Colombian, Dutch Art,Italian Renaissance ,Ancient Egypt and lots of contemporary stuff.There is a fair amount of French work - Corot, Courbet, Renoir , Matisse, Vallotin , Roualt etc.In other words , most bases are covered.