I have been renting a place that is managed by westwood properties since August and I have to say my experience is starting to really piss me off. Where to start, well the beginning I suppose.
I have been renting from private owners directly for the last 6 years so I guess I was spoiled but just making a call and whatever I needed was attended to. Not with this company!
First mistake I made, looking at a place that still had people living there. I didn't really do a good inspection so there were things I missed that might have made me choose to keep looking, but since I didn't, I have put in a request to have them attended to.
Also I was not happy with the cursory clean job that was done prior to moving in, it should have been sparkling clean and it was just wiped down I felt.
Since the place was occupied I didn't notice the horrible water, paint, not sure what it is stain on the vaulted ceiling above the fireplace. How did I miss it? The other tenants had a flag covering it, I just thought it was bad decorating.
But on to "The Bitch List"
1. No screens on any of the windows or sliding glass door?!? Oh and you won't replace them but I can buy some if I want?!? Are you kidding me?
Them "Well since they weren't there when you moved in, the private owner won't replace them."
Me "I would like to write a letter personally to the owner. By not replacing them he is bringing down our quality of life. I can't open my patio door in my bedroom and let fresh air in without bugs getting in. We can't cool down our house which in turn will attribute to higher utility bills if we have to keep the air on longer to circulate fresh air instead of opening windows."
Them "I just know that the owners have said no before."
Me "I still want to write the owner a letter, this is ridiculous."
2. The window upstairs where you replaced the broken window pane now won't open. While the repair guy was here we also asked him to put in an order to fix the broken mirrored door in the office. Again I missed this broken door because there was some girl sleeping when we looked at the place. I was really surprised that they didn't fix it before we moved in.
Them "Oh we decided not to use him to replace the broken door since his estimate was so high. We will probably just use our own maintenance guy."
Me "Well you knew that it was broken and that we put in a request to have it fixed but you didn't follow up after the estimate was to high? Well we do want it fixed so can you put another request in?"
3. A knob is missing on the stove, come on.....
4. Our shower drains don't drain, standing in ankle length water sucks.
Me "I have tomorrow (Saturday) off. I usually work Monday through Saturday as does my housemate. Can you send someone tomorrow to fix the drains at least?"
Them "Well our maintenance people only work Monday through Fridays."
Me "Well that isn't really conducive for anyone that has a job now is it? Can you please either put in a request for Saturday or ask if someone will come late since I don't get home usually till 7:30?"
Them "I will see if anyone can come later."
Me "I think you need to make sure that someone is going to come fix these problems. I don't want to become the phone hag, but I will."
5. We had this crazy leak, we can see by the crack in the ceiling by the laundry room that this leak has happened before. Repair guy comes by, says it could be this, it could be that. But he isn't sure but call him when it leaks again so he can look at it.
Me: standing slack jawed
Me: annoyed
Me: looking forward to the challenge of getting all of these things fixed in a timely manner all while keeping my cool
Me: if you could look me in the eye right now, Westwood Properties, you would know I am a force to be reckoned with and it would be in your best interest to just get it done!
Me: removing this review if I am satisfied with how this is handled...
To be continued.....
p.s. one of my faucets in my bathroom leaks too...