In reply to the owner's response, first, I am not a competitor. Second, to state your nurses NEVER vary from the practice of staying 2 cm above the brow without a second opinion is an inaccurate statement, unless you were in the room each and every time one of your nurses gave injections. Neither you nor anyone else was in the room with me and the consultant. As to the consultant having an attitude and that being subjective, of course it is subjective. It is how the consultant's attitude was perceived by me, the customer. As for "NEVER has there been a confrontation initiated by ABH staff", you yourself admit there was at least one time. Who knows how many other times there have been. I would not know that and you certainly would not admit to anything more. Since I have always obtained the results I was looking for with Botox, Dysport, and Juvederm from other clinics, inferring that any Thyroid disorders/medications, diet pills, antibiotics, low zinc level could be the a reason I did not get any results is ludicrous, in my opinion. The facts of reality are that you are in business and as such, you are not going to have happy customers all the time. Your statement "I guarantee you that at any point in time the next client who was treated exactly the same as the unhappy customer" is also false. You were not in the room when I was receiving the injections. You do not know how I was treated. Finally, Yelp is here for a reason. It is to assist potential customers as to whether or not to patronize a business. I read Yelp before and chose to purchase the Groupon for the product. But just as I read the Yelp reviews to aid me in purchasing the Groupon and patronizing your business, my Yelp review is to allow future customers to aid in their decision to patronize your business.