Omg, what a disaster!! I just needed to run in and grab some printer paper and that seriously took me an hour.
You would think this place was going out of business. The way people were acting and the lack of employees.
The store was a mess, spilled soaps all over the place. Kids running around like it was a jungle gym. It was terrible.
The cashier looked so overwhelmed, I actually felt bad for her. What should have only taken 5 minutes, took me almost an hour.
Ridiculous! I wasn't even about to go into your bathrooms! I could smell them when I walked past them.
I won't be returning.
Get with the program. You're wanting to go up against Amazon. But, you can't even run a store properly. Sad and seriously, pay someone to clean that place up. Maybe add some secret shoppers. Kids got away with a few games last night. While no one was watching.