I took my dog Jake there about a month ago. He was shaking and in a lot of pain. When I brought him in there was only 1 vet on staff that night and it was close to closing time. The doctor came in and said it could be a few things, his liver is shutting down or it's his pancreas. I started to cry because I thought my 3 year old dog was going to die that day, it was awful to see him in so much pain. They took him for x-rays and blood work, she came back said there was nothing in his x-ray and said due to his blood work they THINK it's pancreatitis. While they were running the x-ray and bloodwork I heard a staff member in the hall say something along the lines of, "ugh I really don't want to have to do emergency surgery tonight". This made me feel worried since I didn't want that person caring for my dog since his pain was an inconvenience for her. I asked how we move forward, she said I can take him at home with the medication they gave me. As we were leaving they are shutting the lights off behind us and we were feeling very rushed with little answers on what to expect. We walked out with a bill of $590 with little understanding of what to expect. The next day my dog was still shivering and shaking in pain, I called back and asked if this was normal or if we should be seeing signs of improvement. The doctor told me, "I'm not sure we may have missed something". They said I could bring him back in, but honestly, I was worried I would walk out with another $600 bill and no answers. I decided to wait it out and keep him on the pain meds because he was drinking water which I figured was a good sign. My dog was put on a prescription diet from the vet who treated him but they didn't give me a script so I ended up not being able to buy him food, so I had to order on Amazon.
Fast forward 3 weeks and my dog goes back into this downward spiral in the middle of the night. This time I didn't even waste my time to take him back there I went straight to AVETS with the same exact symptoms. The vet onsite diagnosed him within 4 minutes of the visit saying my dog had IVDD which is a spine disease in small dogs. She requested his paperwork from The Big Easy and told me she had no idea how they missed this. She took me back and showed me his x-ray from The Big Easy and said, "see right here, the T12/13 (not sure on the exact numbers she pointed out) but these are close which tells me he most likely has IVDD. Also, regarding his bloodwork, I would have never diagnosed this dog with pancreatitis.
So after $600 for a misdiagnosis, $75 in food he didn't need, AVETS was able to diagnose and treat him for $300.
I would suggest researching other vets before choosing The Big Easy, I truly didn't feel like my dog was a priority at their establishment.