This is a mediocre car wash at best. Yah they hand wash it but only wash about 70% of the car when it's wet, where it's supposed to be cleaned, then they clean the rest with spray bottles and towels when they're supposed to be drying it. Especially when it comes to wheels. When I asked the manager/service writer guy about it he said the owner wants as many cars through as possible, while he was agreeing with me, so they rush them through. You have to walk the workers around and point out the mistakes and/ or missed parts that you payed for. They now say there is an inspection person that checks quality but I've never seen a person checking cars ever. The tire dressing they use and the way they apply it causes it to fling down the side of your vehicle, thus you have to ask them to apply it light, and / or wipe the tires down before you leave. There are two workers I've noticed that actually work hard and clean your vehicle well. The rest come and go with little to no training I'm sure. They waste alot of water I noticed even though they are labeled as a water recycle wash, they even have a river through the dirt area downstream from the wash that has plants and weeds flourishing from the water that is wasted. I've contacted the SNWA about it to no avail (sp). The mats aren't actually cleaned also, they apply a chemical and agitate it with a brush... done, nothing removed. Not the dirt and not the cleaner they applied. It also takes over an hour for even just a basic wash. Oh... and the person that sits in your car while it's going through the wash part will rifle through your compartments for whatever reason, steal your change at the least, and mess with your radio if not just to see how loud it will go.
Hope this helps anyone to know what they're getting into. And check your vehicle before you leave.
PS - Just watched them park my wet vehicle in the hot sun next to the two empty spots in the covered shaded area, nice. Hope not to be back.