I started seeing Dr. McAuliffe several years ago when I was visiting the area. I'd scratched my cornea and needed to see someone asap. After many calls trying to find an office that would see me, my husband fortunately decided to give Dr. McAuliffe's office a call. Without hesitation they invited me to come in at my convenience. The Dr. is not only sincerely kind and caring, but he is passionate and astute about the work he does. He always takes the time required to resolve a problem, answer questions, educates and keeps up on the latest technology. And after all these years, his office still jumps through hoops to fit me in when an urgency arises. Recently I needed another contact lens patch and the office was closed. The Dr. had no problem referring me to a colleague of his who was also helpful, warm and friendly. I am grateful that the needle in the haystack we found many years ago... was Dr. McAuliffe. BEST doc ever!