My brand new laptop would not print consistently to my 7-year old laser printer. After much frustration and way too much unproductive time, I knew I needed help from a Pro. I went to Best Buy's help desk and was told that I just needed to buy a new printer because mine was too old. Disappointed, I came home to do my research. I decided to call the company that I purchase my laser toner supplies from instead. I told Lance my problem and asked if he had any refurbished printers. He said they did have some printers, but thought perhaps their technician could come out and change a few settings to correct the problem. Lance sent Steve out and within two hours he had set up my laptop so it would work with my printer, set up my second monitor, made sure the network was working properly, advised me on moving files from my old computer to the new one, and shared what I might consider purchasing to truly optimize my new laptop. Five-stars to Laser Specialists of AZ! I am a repeat and VERY happy customer!