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where do i begin??? i live in an apartment community that is brand new in a great part of charlotte, nc... close to everything. i'm not in the midst of our city's little cluster of tall buildings, nor am i among the forests which are also part of charlotte's charm... i live in a place with fiber running straight in and to a community where we are FORCED to have AT&T U-verse... we pay $110/month for 12mps and their 300-level service. That having been said: Original install was Feb. 2014. Wrong address was input and never corrected. Besides having bandwidth issues all through the night and of course, intermittently during the daytimes as well, service was OK... not great. not good. just ok... When, in August, the first occupants moved into the apartment next door with the address attached to my account (I had no idea!! i had tried to have that updated so many times!!!) then my service was terminated. Many hours of phone calls and several technician visits later, they think they have a solution. Except that the next day it cut back off. Then, when they finally have service that stays "on".. it doesn't work!! Wifi is an unpredictable and unreliable thing here... SOMETHING IS WRONG with this service!!! Now, more hours later (1 yesterday and 3 today and it's just weds, ya'all... i'm not listing my calls from last week or in the weeks following the many different calls begging for service) I have had two managers from U-verse say they will work on a problem, fix it, send out a tech, whatever and call me back... No one calls back. The techs haven't shown up for two separate appointments now because of some glitch in their software that won't allow the work order to be processed... Hours each time "resolving" it... and today, it is definitely still not resolved. Technicians keep coming out and changing routers and modems and channels and all sorts of crap... NOTHING WORKS... And, since the technician who came friday was here, we have now also had our tv service stop working. Yep... and Monday's tech left without telling us the password for our wifi account for the rare moments that it is actually working. Today is weds and I have had no follow up calls from any technicians who ALL leave their number and their bosses numbers here (per AT&T protocol)... NO ONE HAS FIXED THESE PROBLEMS SINCE AUGUST... IT IS THE END OF SEPTEMBER. if i was someone who wasn't paying her bill- FINE! but i am not... i am a hostage of AT&T U-verse and the "community" in which i live... I PAY MY BILL EACH MONTH and GET NO SERVICE My only solution at this point seems to be moving... I'm not uptight enough to keep a call log but a few weeks ago i did look at my call logs on my phone and i had AT THAT TIME been on the phone with AT&T more than TWELVE WHOLE HOURS... that was weeks ago!! AND that does NOT include the many 4-hour sections of time i was restricted to my home waiting for technicians to come, attempt to fix things, but FAIL... and on top of that, sometimes just don't even show up!! When MANAGERS don't get things right and seemingly have no protocol for effectively solving problems like this, then what hope do i have??? I have gone from being the most understanding, kind person these reps have dealt with on the phone to transforming at times today into a foul-mouthed jerk who has finally given up hope... Crying now is all i can do. Because I spent three hours on the phone today and they CAN'T EVEN CREATE A WORK ORDER BECAUSE OF SOME TECHNICAL BULLSHIT ON THEIR SIDE! so- i'm done crying for today. i'm done crying for the service we will clearly never receive. i'm done crying for the high ass cellphone bill (also AT&T but that i love) because we have no internet in our home and are using data non-stop on three lines... i'm done crying over the injustice. i'm done crying over my money being stolen from me (yes it was auto-drafted from my bank account for two (of four) false accounts erroneously created for me in the many efforts to restore my service at the beginning of this debacle in august. i'm done crying about the money i pay each month while AT&T robs me blind... i would LOVE to know someone who could get me out of this service and give me a choice... i don't mind paying for a service or product i receive but i have a real problem with paying and paying and paying and having to do all the legwork for this shitty ass "tech" company... THIS SERVICE COULDN'T SUCK MORE AND THE CUSTOMER SERVICE IS JUST AS BAD. NEVER EVER CHOOSE U-VERSE IF YOU CAN HELP IT... I'VE HAD CABLE AND DIRECTV and this is without a doubt, 1 million times worse than anything i've ever experienced with all providers i've used as an adult in nearly 20 years... WTF! not only do i not want to give this company even 1 star, but if i could steal stars from other ratings, i would... because words and stars simply cannot express what an awful, awful company this is... don't do it...