Love the store...I have three kids, so affordability is important and of course, I still want them to be well dressed. I was able to pick up a variety of clothing today and love the prices, too. I had a two piece Nike sweat outfit, shorts, jeans, (a Gap pair, a Zoo York pair, etc.), a few tops, and some VCR tapes. For 17 total items, my before tax price was $40.87. That means I paid $2.40 per item. I have been shopping like this since 2001 when my first child was born, I can't fathom how much money I have saved over the last 11 years. Then when my child comes home from daycare or school with paint or marker on them I don't feel so bad. I just high five them and ask them if they had fun painting. I am also a teacher so I know the likelihood of a child getting a little food or paint or marker on themselves is quite high. Instead of stressing over it, I send them to school in nice looking outfits but also at affordable prices. My oldest child needs to shop in regular stores and I can't believe how much everything costs when you pay true retail. Consignment is the way to go....I tell everyone who has young children. They also have a customer loyalty card to use, ask at the front counter. Coupons may be found in the Las Vegas Kids Directory...15 or 20% off of one item. If you are buying a stroller, a playpen, or a crib, that could be a nice savings, too. Happy shopping.