This is probably the biggest comic shop on the east side. Correction, only comic shop on the east side. There used to be tons. I grew up at Comics and Collectibles at shoregate. I also hit North Coast Nostalgia in the heights, Capps comics in Mentor/ Painesville, Supercity comics in the old arcade, and there was one on e.185th whose name escapes me. They are all gone or moved or whatever. This place came around right when those places all disappeared, so it has filled a void. Not that they're a bad business, or don't have good products.
Let me take a step back. They were a huge gaming destination for the whole east side. And they did draw tons of people to Willoughby who otherwise would not have visited. And they have cool action figures. Along with Carol and John's out west, they wave the nerd flag for all Cleveland virgins. Recommended!