Um, delicious. I don't think I ever knew I liked biscotti, until Enrico's. During my first excursion to The Strip, I walked by a few times before I realized where the mouthwatering baked-good smell was coming from.
When I walked inside I was surrounded - literally - by biscotti. There were jars and jars & trays and trays of them, at first I didn't even notice the person hidden behind them willing & waiting to help me.
I got a hodge-podge of flavors. Pistachio-Cranberry, Chocolate-Almond, Peanut-Butter-Chocolate-Chip, & others I can't even remember (1.50ea). There are some fancy-shmancy ones that are drizzled in white or milk chocolate (1.75).
Proceeded to scoff approximately 4 of them in 2 days, then return to bring some back to my office as a treat.
They didn't make it in quite the condition I got them in, as I was forced to plane-side check my bag, thanks for that US Airways & jacka**es who put their coats in overhead bins leaving no room for other people's precious biscotti. HOWEVER, despite the less than perfect appearance, my co-workers loved them.
4.5 stars if I could! Will try the cafe next time I'm there!