Finally decided to create a yelp account just so I could rant about Republic Services.
When we lived in Vegas, these guys were great! Service twice a week, relatively cheap, and they would take anything I threw on the curb. Even an old couch! IT wasn't until about 4 years after we moved out of state that the issues came up.
When we left Vegas, we canceled the service, and everything was cool. We couldn't sell the house we decided to rent it out. I guess when a property is rented the owner is still responsible for trash. Trash bills supposedly kept coming, but no one ever got them. Republic Services never made any attempts to contact me, just kept letting the bills, liens, and court fees piling up.
3 years down the road, our tenant is gone and we are trying to do a short sale on the place. My agent just happened to notice that there is now an $800 lien on the property. I contacted Rep Services and they said to cancel the trash service, I need to produce a final electric bill, showing power has been shut off (to verify the property is vacant). They keep citing the "City Ordinance" that required this (Its true, I looked it up. LVCO 9.08.210 paragraph (B)). I called NV Energy, since the power is under the tenants name, they cannot give me the bill, or even release it to Rep Services. So I have to track down the tenant (property manager was NO help- look for another review on them coming soon!) myself, get her to get a copy of the bill, send it to me, so I can send it to Rep Services. It took me months, but I was finally able to get it, now they are saying it's not the right one, it doesn't say FINAL BILL on it, etc... I get the run around every time I call. Meanwhile, I'm still stuck paying for trash service at an empty house, and my short sale is being help up even more than normal because of this.
What really pisses me off is that Republic Services has not make ONE attempt to contact me, send me a bill, or notice, replied to an email, nothing! I am constantly having to call to get updates, and of course, get a different rep every time. Whoever wrote that damn ordinance has got to be in bed with Republic Services, and should have put in a provision for GETTING a power bill if it is going to be required.