In case some of you didn't already know, I spend alot of time at Coffe shops, namely Starbucks. It's like a second home really. Yesterday morning, in what my wife refers to as, one of my,
"My fit's of hopeless optimism."
I figured I'd go and check out some of the Starbucks' running along on McDowell. Boy, wasn't that a mistake. Once inside, I had to look around to see if there was someone with a camera, waiting to gauge my reaction! That's how far off the reservation this Starbucks location had gone... I totally understand that alot of highschool kid's and young adults end up filling part-time grocery store positions. In fact, I was one of those kids. I worked part time at a Safeway, where I grew up for over a year. But never, And I mean never, would you have caught me dead running the sort of ragtag, dog and pony show, such as the one I was a witness to at the Starbucks inside Safeway at 7th st. And McDowell yesterday. I like to think that I'm a pretty fair reviewer and it take's alot for me to give a "scathing" review.
However, in this case, it was well deserved. I was hoping to walk in and find a place to sit down, buy a coffee, and work on a project I planned on finishing.
What I walked into shocked me... And I don't shock easily people. Trust me.
First thing's first, The "barista" working the kiosk, was standing out front of the kiosk, you know, where customers stand to order. Chatting it up and belligerantly cracking jokes really loud with the bagger/carryout boy and completely ignoring me. So much so, I sat down ( first having to brush the cracker crumbs and wrappers off my seat) choosing not to even buy a coffee!
Assuming they'd mastered time travel, suddenly we were all rocketed back to middle school! And the bag boy began teasing and chasing the girl "barista" (If you could call her that) around in the small space allotted for Starbucks customers.
Listen people, I am the furthest thing from a stick in the mud. And I'll be the first to say kid's should be kid's. But this was ridiculous. Yet more then anything else, it was down right unprofessional. When I pay hard earned cash for a service, I expect that service. Do your job people. Keep the place clean. Then you can mess around all you want. Basically, They crossed the line between high school hijinks, into,
"O.k. now your just making your company look bad. The floors were atrocious. Filthy even, With trash under the tables. As if things couldn't get any worse, it smelled. Bad. Like expired ham. That, was definitely a first for me. Never had a Starbucks smelled. Let alone that bad. And last, but certainly not least, they had no outlet's. I get you want to turn a profit. Well fine, charge for it. Don't just, not provide them. Most people want to be able to charge their electronics while they enjoy their coffee. Come on Starbucks this is a "no-brainer"!
O.k. kids, I realize you know everything...
And what could a 30 year old. Such as myself possibly have to teach any of you millennial's that you don't already know? (Just kidding)
But I did work at Safeway for a year and four months when I was a teenager. All I'm saying is that there's a time and a place for everything. At work while a customer is staring at you, waiting to be served is not the time, nor the place.
Nothing and no place will ever be perfect. I don't expect anything to be. I do, however, expect "said place" to, if they have some glaring flaws, make up for it somewhere along the line...
But with this Starbucks location, I was sorely disappointed.