Fort York is a charming piece of history, especially now that they have the new visitor's centre. Walking through the darkened hallways made up to look like forests, as the loud boom of canons explode around you, really allows for history to come alive. It's also a strong way to get visitors into the right mindset before entering the fort.
It's a great place to walk around, and enjoy a day. There are also picnic tables to enjoy pack lunches, and coffee for sale at reasonable prices.
It's exciting to walk around all the different buildings. My toddler enjoyed roaming the open spaces, as well as making his way through the many halls in the different block forts, and magazines.
The only downside is that there is little professionally led activities or experiences, and there are so few people that visit the fort that it almost feels like it exists just for you. Which isn't always a bad thing.
It's disappointing that the fort is no longer on the water, but that's just blaming the history of the city, rather than the place itself.
MAPS passes at the library can almost always be found for free entry to the fort for you and your family.